As part of our commitment of improving the health, well-being, and connectedness of the Murrumbidgee region Fuel Your Life has collated all the community programs, groups, and associations available across the region and created this search engine.
The goal is that health professionals can use this page to connect their clients with support groups and community programs, as well as for the public to see just what else is available to them in their region.
Start searching today.
Search Community Programs,
Groups, and Associations
Or Select A Category
Carers Association
Allied Health
Children groups
Community transport
Exercise Groups
Indigenous Programs
Religious groups
Sporting clubs
Senior programs & groups
Arts/Drama/Music groups
Refugee associations
Men’s Sheds
Community services
Our goal is to continuously update this platform as we find more programs the community can access. If you have a group, program, association that we have missed or have incorrect details for, please send us an email ( so we can update.
WARATAH is supported by funding from Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network through the Australian Government’s PHN Program. Although funding for this website has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of, nor is endorsed by, the Australian Government.